I am a big fan of anime and a regular user of myanimelist.net website but the design is very old. So I decided to make a reskin or Redesign extension for the website. It's basically an extension/addon that override the default css with my custom css, to give website a modern look and feel.

Terms of Use :


  • Project Redesign does not collect any data of any kind.
  • We do not embed any kind of analytic hooks in its code.
  • We have no home server.

License - website

The website of "Project Redesign" is released under :
CC BY-NC-SA , The code is avaliable on Github

License - extensions

The softwares/extensions in to project redesign are released under :
Freeware License(for now).

  • The software is free to download and do not require any payment or license fee.
  • You may not distribute, copy , publish, assign, sell, bargain, convey, transfer, pledge, lease or grant any further rights to use the software.
  • You are not allowed to edit/make-changes to the software code.
  • You cannot use the software/software-resources for any commercial purpose.
  • Use within the scope of this license is free of charge and no royalty or licensing fees shall be payable by you. Use beyond the scope of this license shall constitute copyright infringement.